The set menu contains the following options… Standard Set - Selects the ‘Standard Set’, a set with special properties for managing your startup files when no other sets are present. • Enable Files - This option enables the items in the Startup Files List for the selected set which are in the folders indicated in the Sets Preferences. • Disable Files - You guessed it -- this option disables the items in the Startup Files List for the selected set which are in the folders indicated in the Sets Preferences. • Edit Sets... - Selecting this option displays the Edit Sets dialog, the point from which you can create, duplicate, modify, or delete sets. • Save Set - Saves the current enabled/disabled status for all of your system’s startup files in the selected set. This menu item will only be selectable once changes have been made to the selected set -- otherwise it will be grayed out. • Revert “[set name]” - Restores the enabled/disabled list of the specified set to the state when it was last saved. You can only ‘Revert’ a set if it’s been changed -- otherwise this menu option will be grayed out. Conflict Catcher will also display the names of all existing sets in a third menu section, indicating the currently selected set with a check mark. If no set is checked, the ‘Standard Set’ is selected. When you get ready to create a set, you’ll need to give your new set a name and specify its startup characteristics. Select ‘Edit Sets...’ from the ‘Set:’ popup menu. Click ‘Create...’ and the Create Sets dialog will appear. • Name - This is the set name that will appear in the ‘Edit Sets...’ list, the ‘Set:’ popup menu, and Conflict Catcher’s Finder Menu. Taking a moment to name your sets clearly helps make them easy to use. • Startup Key - Conflict Catcher can save you time by automatically loading a set as the system starts up when that set’s Startup Key is held down. • Default Set - If a set is marked as the Default Set, it will be always be loaded as your system starts up unless some other set takes precedence. This changes Conflict Catcher’s usual behavior, which is to load whichever set you last used. If you have a set that is already marked as the Default Set, Conflict Catcher will ask you if you’re sure that you want to make the change. • PowerBook Is - If you’re working on an Apple PowerBook, Conflict Catcher can automatically load different sets depending on what peripherals are attached to your system. Just select one of the following possible conditions from the ‘PowerBook is’ popup menu... Using Battery - The set will be loaded when your PowerBook system starts up while running from its internal battery, overriding the Default Set if one is defined. Using Power Adapter - Conflict Catcher will automatically load the ‘PowerBook is: Using Power Adapter’ set when your system starts up with a power adapter installed. Remember that Conflict Catcher checks your PowerBook hardware and loads the appropriate set at startup time, so if you plug in or remove your AC adapter after your system starts up, you should consider restarting to load the right one for the new situation. Not Docked - This set will be loaded when your PowerBook system is not connected to a dock-type expansion module. Conflict Catcher will automatically recognize any expansion ‘dock’ that’s attached to your PowerBook and add its name to the list of available ‘PowerBook Is’ menu options. Be sure to activate your ‘PowerBook is’ selection by checking the box immediately to the left of it. • Disable New Startup Files - When you add a startup file to your system, not only does its name need to be added to each set’s list, but it also has to be marked as enabled or disabled. Using the ‘Disable New Startup Files’ check-box, you can determine how new startup files will be treated when they’re added to a set by Conflict Catcher. When the ‘Disable New Startup Files’ box is left unchecked, Conflict Catcher will mark any startup files that are added to the set as enabled. Placing a check in this box causes startup files added to the set to be disabled when the set is selected. • Startup Sound - Click this button to associate a customized sound with your set that notifies you when it’s loaded at startup time. When you click the ‘Startup Sound...’ button, you’ll see a list of all available system software sounds.